What Makes Medium “The No-1 Writing Platform” For All

Muneeb -ul- Hassan
2 min readMar 26, 2021
Courtesy: Pinterest.com

It is the utmost desire of man for ages, to express his feelings, emotions, and views about different things, events, and daily life issues. Writing is one of the most effective tools for it, by the help of which we can let other people know about our views and thinkings related to a particular topic.

There are many platforms for the writers to write accordingly and out of all these medium is one of the most trusted and effective ones. Below are some of the top features which make it the No.1 platform:

  1. Easy, Clean, Simple, and user-friendly interface which helps even a novice to start writing the stories without any hurdle.
  2. A wide range of different topics including Arts & Entertainment, Books, Culture, Food, Health, Addiction, Coronavirus, Fitness, Industry, Business, Economy, Personal Development, Creativity, Mindfulness, Politics, Programming, Android Devices, Data Science and a lot more.
  3. Simplified signup procedures dislike other platforms having complicated scenarios which have resulted in huge members joining in a short time period.
  4. One of the leading social journaling platforms having professional and highly skilled individuals who give top-quality content.
  5. Medium content is rich in information having credible and verifiable resources which makes it completely different from peers.
  6. A rewarding partnership program that allows writers to get paid for their hard work and continuous efforts for this unique platform.
  7. Low membership fee i.e $5 monthly for unlimited access to all the contents available on this amazing platform.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” — George R.R. Martin

At last, I will surely suggest all that feel free to join this leading platform which has grown exponentially since its foundation back in 2012. Invest in your mental diet plan by developing a habit of reading the available content which is specifically about your field and area of interest. Let me assure you that this habit of reading on Medium will lead you to success ultimately. This is due to the fact that our thoughts become our things and finally, we become the same as we think or feel about ourselves.



Muneeb -ul- Hassan

A Mentor, Freelancer, Psychologist, Motivational Speaker and Social Worker by passion who is always willing to contribute to other’s life by assisting them.